
club runners

was on local radio Thursday morning - talking about FLM

there were three of us - another chap from the club a V46 hoping to run sub 3 hours and a young chap - not sure of his target time, but pretty quick; both done FLM before, so I guess we made a good mix of peeps

it went ok I guess

went to the club in the evening and ran for 45 minutes - first 20 were hard going - leg aching - but by second lap it was much better as I had warmed up

had not zeroed garmin so it added the laps onto the previous run - seems pretty acurate in mapping since all 3 laps overlapped completely

where: road
what: 3.4 miles
time: 44:43
pace: 13.04 mm
AHR: 142

Today - cross training - gardening!

good plod with garmin

back to the gym