
Mother's Day

Flowers and cards were the order of the day - then a normal Sunday

step back week this week, so just a 90 minute run, but as I did not go out until 1 o'clock it was rather warm - could have worn shorts!

mrbeanz and running teenbeanz went out for a run together - first time for ages - supposed to be an LSD - and keeping each other in check

they seemed to enjoy it and agreed it would be good to do it most Sundays

both training for Derby 10k - I shall do it too - 5 weeks after FLM so not even thinking about it yet - at least it will be a PB - only done 5ks and half marathons so far!

where: road
what: 7 miles
time: 1:31:46
pace: 13.06 mm
AHR: 138

tomorrow: swim with teenbeanzes


working away