
struggling this week

plodded Tuesday
prodded Wednesday
travelled Thursday
worked Friday
now knackered with nothing to show for it

masseuse did a brilliant prod on Wednesday really hit the spots that made my shin sore - and, after some icing, it is sore no more :>))

however I should have done a long run with Ruth today, but didn't - coudln't make our diaries fit

and I have let the work pile up so didn't even go out on my own - at all

there's no wonder the teenbeanzes are struggling to finish all their coursework - I do nto set a good example and I am struggling too - too much time forumming, reading blogs and generally messing around

not enough work done each day to keep the deadlines at bay

so then I have to stay up late to finish things and am worn out next day


still if I can get through the next 24 hours and get stuff done, it is off to Cambridge - stay in a hotel - plods before breakfast alternating threshold, base and recovery I think

and early nights

maybe I can recover some of my get up and go

and not get myself in this mess again


or maybe not ..................

Plodding on

a plod in the park