
a double AND a PB!!

what a difference a day makes!

woke up to the most glorious morning - clear sky, light frost, just the weather for running - but it is club night on a Wednesday and it will be dark by then

but I had to run in this so I decided to run to WW - a mile each way over a seriously killer hill

I did it in 27:26 and it was not actually as steep as I anticipated - though I did walk a little as I didn't want to knacker myself for tonight

which was just as well, because there was there was just me and the Vet from our slow group - so we set off and he decided that since I was going so well we'd extend the route a bit

most of the route is off road on a cycle path, so well lit and a nice smooth surface - ok tarmac but it is bettter than cronky flagstones, of which there are lot on the footpaths around the club.

after about 3 miles I get into the groove and enjoy myelf - working hard but because it was flat, I am able to keep plodding without walking at all - and only pause to walk at a couple of road crossings :o))

Mile Pace AHR
1 12:59 136 includes stepped footbridge
2 12:22 142 best mile ever I think!
3 12:27 142
4 12:50 140
5 12:47 140
5.32 12:42 140 1:07

I think that would be classed as a threshold run probably.

So a PB? Well yes, my best ever mile, I think ,and also the furthest and quickest I've run without pausing - a very happy beanz tonight!

away again

swimming to recover