
other things

It's Friday and I haven't run since my long run on Monday - life has put other things in the way

Wednesday was club night, but I was not sure that anyoen woudl be there to plod with and I just did not feel up to doing anything, so I took teenbeanz along and became keeper of the car keys

As it turned out I could have done the boundary again - or gone for a walk with our V69 witht eh broken shoulder

Then THursday and Friday have been a breaking in to the new job - induction for new staff on Thursday and a staff 'training day' today.

It probably has raised more questions than it has answered but has ben very tiring - a plan swim this evening has been postponed - the idea of driving back across town in the traffic with the teenbeanzes was to wearying. Instead I came home, had a cup of tea and crashed for half an hour while MrBeanz cooked a not very slimming fish and chips!

the TBs and I plan to swim tomorrow - I may even plod as well if I wake up early.

New job stops properly next week when pupils arrive - that will concentrate my mind!

started at last
