
cold wet and happy


a great day out at Stratford Sprint Tri

no, silly, of course I didn't do it!

I went down to support some Waister forum friends who were doing their first tri

and found myself volunteering to marshall!

I was marsdhalling at the turnign poiint on the run - so had people coming at me from 3 directions and occasionally failed to spot someone going the wrong way (sorry Cath, I wondered why I didn't see you coming down for a second lap!)
the weather was a little damp to begin with

6 hours later .......

it was persisting down and VERY muddy too

but I stayed out until the last lady had finished

they'd packed away the t shirts by the time I came in - I hope the last lady got hers!

I came home to find that my computer had crashed beyond recovery and the system was being reinstalled

although I thought I had backed up everything, it was rather an old version of my Eudora address book - so if you are reading this and think I should have your email address, please email me!

(unless you don't want to hear from me ever again of course!)


Ups and downs