As a child a highlight of the autumn was a trip to Blackpool Illuminations - a crawl along the promenade to marvel at the coloured lighting effects and then on to the fair.
Matlock Bath has its illuminations too, with illuminated boats floating down the river.
Not to be out done there is Illuminating York.
This year we wentt into town to see what it was all about. It centres around the Minster area.
The highlight was images projected onto the end wall of the Southern transept which features the famous Rose Window.
I only took my small camera so it was difficult to take a reasonable photo - next year .....
There was a series of projections including falling roses and stained glass window effects.
In the gardens behind the minster were other light shows, including a piece of modern stained glass, Unifying Light, by local artist Julia Spall based on work with Refugee Action.
Other lighting included lighting some of the trees from below, including this Acer.
This showed the texture of the bark well.
And I've been knitting too.
My autumn vest has made good progress - the body is complete, the shoulders need to be sewn and then I can make decisions about the edging.
Matlock Bath has its illuminations too, with illuminated boats floating down the river.
Not to be out done there is Illuminating York.
This year we wentt into town to see what it was all about. It centres around the Minster area.
The highlight was images projected onto the end wall of the Southern transept which features the famous Rose Window.
I only took my small camera so it was difficult to take a reasonable photo - next year .....
There was a series of projections including falling roses and stained glass window effects.
In the gardens behind the minster were other light shows, including a piece of modern stained glass, Unifying Light, by local artist Julia Spall based on work with Refugee Action.
Other lighting included lighting some of the trees from below, including this Acer.
This showed the texture of the bark well.
And I've been knitting too.
My autumn vest has made good progress - the body is complete, the shoulders need to be sewn and then I can make decisions about the edging.