
Instagram binds us together

Instagram binds us together

Many folk speak of social media as though it were universally evil, with no benefits. However, for me, Instagram has been nothing but positive.
Through Instagram I have found a great sewing community - and am gradually meeting some of these in real life. These communities include people who sew on a Saturday night, and post using the hashtag #saturdaynightcraftalong, this community spans the world, as Saturday night starts and finishes on the international dateline. Instagram is also a space to meet designers and makers who you may not otherwise meet outside the big stitching and quilting shows.


At the end of January I met four of these stitching heroes at the Threadhouse Winter Retreat 2020. Threadhouse combines the talents of Jo Avery @jJoAverystitch and Karen Lewis @karenlewisTextiles. At this winter retreat we were also joined by Nicholas Ball @Quitsfromtheattic and Kerry Green @veryKerryBerry.

All of them offered classes over the two days. I had a fabulous time - printing with Karen, crewelwork with Jo, and Improv quilting with Nick.

Journal Quilts 1

Journal Quilts 1

The Last Runaway

The Last Runaway