Instagram binds us together
Many folk speak of social media as though it were universally evil, with no benefits. However, for me, Instagram has been nothing but positive.
Through Instagram I have found a great sewing community - and am gradually meeting some of these in real life. These communities include people who sew on a Saturday night, and post using the hashtag #saturdaynightcraftalong, this community spans the world, as Saturday night starts and finishes on the international dateline. Instagram is also a space to meet designers and makers who you may not otherwise meet outside the big stitching and quilting shows.
At the end of January I met four of these stitching heroes at the Threadhouse Winter Retreat 2020. Threadhouse combines the talents of Jo Avery @jJoAverystitch and Karen Lewis @karenlewisTextiles. At this winter retreat we were also joined by Nicholas Ball @Quitsfromtheattic and Kerry Green @veryKerryBerry.
All of them offered classes over the two days. I had a fabulous time - printing with Karen, crewelwork with Jo, and Improv quilting with Nick.