
Signs of Spring - Helmsley to Rievaulx (and back)

Signs of Spring - Helmsley to Rievaulx (and back)

Walking with friends on a sunny day is a great way to renew the spirit after all the wind and rain of recent weeks.

Choosing a route for this month’s walk proved challenging - keeping away from water-logged fields and rivers, not to far from York as some of us had things to get back to in evening, somewhere for coffee at the start, lunch part way through and a cup of tea at the end …. but as always our leader came up trumps.

A smaller group than usual, we arrived in Helmsley, and booted up ready to walk, we had a coffee at the Castlegate Tearoom in Helmsley. We followed the Cleveland Way west from Helmsley, the route was generally good underfoot, with a few muddy sections and steep steps.

We arrived at the 12th Century Rievaulx Abbey just in time for lunch in the excellent cafe.

winding steps.jpg
Rievaulx Abbey.jpeg

We usually take a circular route, but today we retraced our steps - its amazing what else you notice when walking in the opposite direction. There was plenty of bird life, including the glorious sight and sound of two buzzards circling overhead.

There were cheering signs of spring included dogs mercury, catkins (lambs’ tails), wood anemones, violets, snowdrops (of course) and young lambs in a field.


Physicists and Quilters look for patterns and inspiration everywhere - and I found them in floor tiles found at Rievaulx and sections of wall alongside the path.


Free motion

Free motion

Journal Quilts 1

Journal Quilts 1