
Looking towards London

Less than a week to go and I feel I need to take FLm into account in what I do now

A gentle day - not up too early and some study sorting - taking things out of boxes and either throwing away or filing.

I start to teach my Mum to surf the tinternet - she did have a go a year or so ago, but never got very far - this time I think she might make it - once she has got used to using the mouse

after lunch its off to the gym for a swim - just a leisurely swim for me, mainly there to encourage the teenbeanzes to go and use their membership

the nice thing abotu my Mum being here is that we go for awalk round the block in the evening

Up early to cook bacon baps for thirty at the church breakfast! So as that WAS early, I do not get in my last 'long' run - will do tomorrow

after lunch I get out in the garden for 2½ hours, trying to make sure I do not strain my back - a common problem for me in the spring - turning and moving compost heaps across the bins and spreading the mature stuff will have to wait until next week

and another walk round the block after a rather filling tea of roast duck, roast potatoes, cabbage and carrots

A beautiful morning first thing and so I go out for my last long run - 60 minutes is the target, but I don't go far enough

a lot of strange spikes in my HR - up to 217 on one occasion - I must try putting my polar on at the same time as my garmin- not sure whether they will interfere?

as usual first 1½ miles are very ploddy, and then coming back into the park I suddenly get the urge to RUN!! and I do for a while, however all too soon I am at the foot of our steep hill home, so its back to walking with the occasional jog on the slightly less steep bits

but it was a glorious morning to be out

which cannot be said later in the morning

Easter Monday is the date of the 2½ mile handicap at the 'elite' athletics club we are members of and teenbeanz won the youth cup last year - will be more difficult this time as he is quicker his handicap will not be so generous
This is a road race around the streets near the club and I am marshalling on corner where it is possible to cut a few yeards off the course - so no cheating this year!!

I walk out ½mile to the marshalling point and wait and wait and wait .... and it begins to rain, and get heavier and heavier - good job I have a marshall's bib over my fleece! eventually the first runners appear, by which time the rain is torrential and they are running straight into it

as the last runner passes me he thanks me for waiting and tells me he is last - and I tell him that I know the feeling!

teenbeanz does not retain his trophy - in fact the fastest runner in the race is another U17, so not too surprising

I then drive my Mum back to Lincoln and arrive home very weary - definitely an early night tonight!

run numbers briefly:

3.73 miles; time 53:70 average pace 14:17 best mile 13:09; AHR 128

short plod

Catching up