
13 miles? No Chance!

I've been out for my 'long run' this morning and it was awful. I am incapable of sustaining a run without having to drop down to a walk. I think this is as much in my head as my legs – I find myself running along for a while thinking about something else so I can do it – but as soon as I think about it, it becomes too hard.

I have NEVER been able to run continuously on my own –the only time I have ever done it is at the club when I plod along with my V69 running partner – but now he has broken his shoulder I don’t even have that to look forward to.

The most depressing part of this run was that after 8 miles I just could not even run-walk any longer – and walked the mile and a half home, feeling thoroughly miserable.

How could I possibly ‘run’ 13 miles in three weeks time?

I just cannot do with another heroic failure at this stage.

I think Robin Hood might be another DNS.

away from running

running round in circles