
New Year - targets - pah! Reflections on the year past.

A year on and I have not achieved either of my running targets for the year.

Nor lost weight - in fact I am probably heavier than a year ago.

I have not completed a race this year.

What have I achieved?
  • completed a year and a term back in teaching
  • .........
  • .........
I am not sure what I could put in the blanks. I am still here and have a healthy family - so anything else would be bonus I guess.

We have to go on, so yet again I shall start the year trying to eat healthily. I can't have any running targets until I am fit to run. I see the phyzz tomorrow and will talk to her about what is the most sensible way to get back to running (in addition to the obvious of losing weight).

Eddy - RIP

A decision made